
Are You Ready To Thrive As A Performing Artist?

The Artists Hustle is all about learning the entrepreneurial knowledge to build a thriving career in the performing arts industry. Stop the starving artist mentality and unleash your inner hustle!

The Artists Hustle Presents The 12 Week Program:
“The Business Formula”

Are you a performing artist? Are you feeling stuck? Are you feeling uncertain? Do you feel your career is stalling?

Becoming a professional performing artist takes more than just graduating. Let’s face it, performing arts schools don’t show you what to do next. You will learn to act, sing or dance but you won’t learn how to run yourself as a business.

The Business Formula Program will teach you exactly how to build a thriving career using entrepreneurial knowledge about the performing arts industry. Stop the starving artist mentality and unleash your inner hustle.


What The Business Formula Could Mean For You

crew on stage hugging

No More Uncertainty

Stop guessing what your next steps should be.

Learn how to run your career as a profitable business rather than a desperate artist.

The Business Formula is designed to get you work, get you paid and get you the career of your dreams in as little as 3 months. 

man dancing on stage

No More Frustration

Don’t be disappointed by your lack of auditions and success as an artist. Stop blaming your agent, yourself and everyone else.

Get a clear, workable strategy for your career.

Identify your strengths as a performer and be taken seriously. Ditch the overwhelm and embrace the business mindset.

men getting ready for acting on camera

No More Struggle

Instead of struggling to survive, learn industry knowledge to take your career to the next level.

Change your mindset, take responsibility and achieve those results you know you deserve without going it alone.

Join a community of like-minded artists under the capable hands of a professional performer who has succeeded in the industry.

Are You Ready To Hustle?

Spaces are limited. Only serious artists are invited to join the program to ensure the best possible outcome for all involved. We create a thriving, driven and supportive community for you to succeed.

Apply now with NO PAYMENT taken. We get to know you, you get to know us and successful applicants receive a FREE 45-minute Discovery Call with Kat Hoyos.

About Your Coach

Kat Hoyos is a professional stage and screen performer best known for her roles in Channel 9’s ‘Here Come The Habibs’ and ‘Amazing Grace.’ She starred in the film ‘Chasing Comets’ alongside Isabel Lucas and Dan Ewing. As a stage performer, Kat has toured with Jersey Boys The Musical, Hairspray: The Musical and Xanadu.

Kat graduated with a Bachelor of Performance in Music Theatre (The University of Wollongong) and a Cert IV in Dance Performance (Brent Street). She’s continued her training around the world with Ivana Chubbuck Studios, The Groundlings, Lisa Robertson and Les Chantery.

Kat Hoyos acting mentor
Kat Hoyos acting behind scenes

Kat’s success in the performing arts industry spans years of hard work. She’s no stranger to the highs and lows the industry has to offer. This is what inspired Kat to coach and mentor other performing artists. Throughout her coaching, Kat realised that these artists were missing a key ingredient to paving successful careers. They had limited skills in how to set themselves up and run their careers as a serious business.

Kat learnt this the hard way, through many years of trial and error. Now, she wants to pass on her industry knowledge, insider advice, tools and network opportunities to committed artists who are determined to make their dreams come true. This is the inspiration for creating a community dedicated to the business of the industry called The Artists Hustle. Within that she has created a 12 week program called: The Business Formula.

Kat Hoyos teaching a class acting

Who Kat Has Worked With

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Are You Ready To Pursue A Successful Career As A Performing Artist?

Some days you’re full of confidence because you know you can do this and make a real difference in the performing arts industry. But other days you feel like a complete fraud.

Don’t let your creativity suffer. Stop feeling like you haven’t had a great audition in weeks, months or maybe even years! Stop lying awake at night wondering what you need to do to be taken seriously in the industry. Stop feeling like you’ll never book the job of your dreams.

The first step is the decision to make a change. You’ve read this far and that means you want to change your business practice. You want to have a successful and fulfilling career as a performing artist.

You want to be more proactive and inspired, have more confidence in your auditions, be seen and known in the industry and have the opportunity to create.


How Kat has helped artists just like you


“The knowledge she shares is an eye opener for me and all other artists. I really feel proud and honored to know and work with Kat, as she truly is such a great teacher and leader!”

Laura New

“After living in LA for five years I learnt this the hard way – The Artists Hustle is a fast track way to hone your knowledge and stay accountable alongside a great community. And Kat is the one I trust! She’s got your back”

Meisha Lowe

“I had no expectations walking in and the lessons I had were priceless. An extensive pool of knowledge from the working industry not only in acting methods and training, but real world experience, and that’s stuff you don’t get at most other places.”


Phillipe Witana

Don’t do it alone. Join a thriving, driven and like-minded community of artists being coached by an industry professional who knows how to succeed!

The Business Formula is a program via application only. It takes commitment.

The program is about looking for committed artists who are READY to make a change. 

Applying for The Business Formula doesn’t mean you’re a member yet, you still have time to decide if it is for you.

You’ll firstly complete an application questionnaire so that Kat can learn more about what your problem is and how she can help.

If successful in that round, you’ll then be taken through to making an appointment for your discovery call.

Upon that discovery call will you know if you are truly ready to level up and Kat will let you know if you’re an ideal candidate.

You’ll find answers to some commonly asked questions below. If you need any further information, please contact Kat.

Is this an acting course?

No, this is a business program. By doing THE BUSINESS FORMULA, you will certainly learn professional etiquette which will cover stage and screen. But no, this is not about “how to (insert skill here)”. There are plenty of courses and classes out there for you to deepen your knowledge in those areas! 

How long will this take?

This 12 week program is only the beginning of your lifelong journey. These business practices will set up strong foundations for you to build and to keep building the career of your dreams!

What if during the program I decide I don’t want to be in the business anymore?

The application process is all about clarifying whether this is the right path for you. We will know sooner rather than later. However, you also have a month to try the course out risk free. Don’t worry, if you decide that show business is not for you, you’ll be reimbursed in full and we can walk away as friends.

Are there payment plans?

Yes, of course.

Any discounts?

Certainly, we can discuss those when we chat!

Will I get honesty from Kat?

Absolutely. As a mentor and through her teaching, Kat takes the approach of listening seriously. Kat understands the importance of having someone you trust to give you a nudge when there is something of value to be learnt.

Kat realises that there’s opportunity for growth and change that comes from the awareness and knowing the self told stories or deep ingrained habits that come into play on days when artists aren’t feeling so invincible.

Part of this program means that you will be held accountable and Kat will hold your hand every step of the way.

No one wants to feel alone, Kat is there to guide you.

Join our community to stay in touch.


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